- 未分類

~English follows~
今回は第一回テナントインタビューとしてMetrolisを出版しているJapan Partnership Holdingsさんにご協力いただきました!
Hello, I’m Ryu, an intern student.
As the first tenant interview, I interviewed Japan Partnership Holdings, the publisher of Metroplis magazine!
Q 御社の事業内容を教えてください。/ Please tell us about your business
Web版Metropolis magazineはこちら
We publish the magazine called “Metropolis” for the international community, which is distributed to more than 700 locations mainly in Tokyo. We also do consulting for businesses coming to Japan and businesses going abroad with marketing advice, translation, content creation, website design, photography and so on.
Check out Metropolis magazine website here.
Q 御社で働く上でのやりがいはなんですか?/ What makes your job worthwhile?
Being a build bridge between Japan and the rest of the world is very satisfying. Plus, we have a great media brand that has been strong for almost 30 years. It is also such a pleasure to work with fantastic team members.

Q BLINKに入居したきっかけはなんですか?/ Why did you decide to join BLINK?
オフィスの移転を考えていたところ、Metroplis magazineの広告パートナーであったBLINKが前のオフィスからも近かったため、移転を決めました。
We had to move our office and found that BLINK was so close by and offered a convenient share office system that met our needs.
Q BLINKの良いところはなんですか?/ What do you like about BLINK?
The location is not only convenient but is part of our neighborhood. We have been in this area for many years and have lot of customers nearby. It also has good atmosphere with awesome cafe, convenient amenities and tenants from many different businesses. The networking is great!
Japan Partnership HoldingsさんのWebサイトはこちら
Visit their Website from here.