

第4回テナントインタビュー【㈱Tree of Gems】

  • お知らせ
第4回テナントインタビュー【㈱Tree of Gems】

~English follows~


第3回テナントインタビューは㈱Tree of Gemsさんにご協力いただきました!

Hello, I’m Ryu, an intern student.
For BLINK’s third tenant interview, I interviewed Tree of gems.

Q 御社の事業内容を教えてください。/ Please tell us about your business.


Our company, with the motto of ‘Detailed Dialogues with Customers,’ provides and conducts training programs to maximize the abilities of employees. The content includes manners for guests, new employee training, and position-specific training, and so on.


In addition, a secret shopper visit shops and evaluates them from both the expert and customer perspectives.
In our “Executive Coaching” led by professional coaches, we provide support for executives to success in business and achieve a fulfilling life.

Q 御社で働く上でのやりがいはなんですか?/ What makes your job worthwhile?


We have many opportunities to interact with people, so I feel satisfied when the customers are pleased with our service. Plus, we are glad that we have some clients who have been with us for more than 10 years.

Q BLINKに入居したきっかけはなんですか?/ Why did you decide to join BLINK?


The president of my company knows one of the workers in BLINK and they introduced this coworking space to us.

Q BLINKに入居して気に入っているところはなんですか?/ What do you like about BLINK?


BLINK staff has been there to help me out when I was in trouble. Moreover, I am exposed to a diverse range of tenant businesses and working styles, which allows me to work in a dynamic environment and experience something new every day.


Visit their website from here.