

2/15 LIGHTNING TALK #2 by CREA場 | From Paper to Business

  • イベント
2/15 LIGHTNING TALK #2 by CREA場 | From Paper to Business






📅 イベント詳細

日時: 2025年2月15日(土)
時間: 14:00〜17:00 (JST)
Blink Roppongi 港区元麻布3丁目1−6, 東京都 106-0046

参加費: 600円(1ドリンクチケット付き)
お支払い方法: オンラインまたは会場でお支払い(詳細は登録時に確認可)

📣 アジェンダ

  • 14:00: イベント開始
  • 14:30: スピーカー1 & スピーカー2のライトニングトーク
  • 15:00: 自由交流時間
  • 15:30: スピーカー3 & スピーカー4のライトニングトーク
  • 16:15: クロージング
  • 16:20〜17:00: 自由交流時間


  • 製品、プロジェクト、またはビジネスの構築に一歩踏み出すきっかけが欲しい方
  • アイデアはあるが、それをどのように実行するか迷っている方

👥 スピーカー

Gia Linh
Passion Projects Japanの共同創設者。起業、フリーランス、クリエイティブな追求など、夢を現実に変えるセルフスターターを紹介するポッドキャストを運営中。

Simon Crawford-Ash

Natsumi Tan & Emi Tanimoto
Waseda Dailyという学生運営の新聞を立ち上げたデュオ。アイデアと洞察の相互交換から生まれたプロジェクト。

🛎 その他の情報

  • イベント途中の退出も可能ですが、最後まで参加いただけると嬉しいです!
  • 2月13日23:59 (JST) までのキャンセルで全額返金いたします。

CREA場 (クリエーバ) は、クリエイティブな人々のためのクリエイティブな場所です。私たちはクリエイティブな思考を持つ方々を結びつけ、その「クリエイティブ・コンフィデンス」を育む場を提供します。仕事を見つける、技術を共有する、友達を作るなど、多くの可能性が広がっています。

創設者はAnnie Hoangです。

e events, design challenges, resources, job boards, and more. Founded by Annie Hoang.

Do you have an idea that keeps you up at night 🪔

​Maybe you’re trying to build your first AI app, starting a podcast, or side hustle, creative pursuit, or a plan to make a difference in your community. We all have that one project that ignites our passion and reminds us of what’s truly important.

​Ever wondered how to turn your ideas into successful projects / businesses?

​Join us as four inspiring speakers share their incredible journeys of turning ideas into reality. Learn how their concepts took root, the challenges they overcame, and the life-changing impact of pursuing their dreams.

​”Paper” symbolizes the early stages of a project or business idea, like sketches, comic strips, or drafts of a plan. Our event focuses on the journey from those initial concepts to thriving businesses.

​​📅 Event Details:

  1. ​​Date: February 15th (Sat), 2025
  2. ​​Time: 14:00 – 17:00 JST
  3. ​​Location:
  4. Price: 600JPY (inc. 1 drink ticket)
  5. Payment: Online or at venue (register to see details)

​​📣 Agenda

14:00: Event kick-off

  • ​​14:30: Lightning talk with Speaker #1 & Speaker #2
  • ​​15:00: Free networking time
  • ​​15:30: Lightning talk Speaker #3 & Speaker #4
  • ​​16:15: Wrap up
  • ​​16:20 – 17:00: Free networking time

​​✅ Who this event is for?

  • ​​Aspiring product, project and business builders, who need a little nudge to take the first step
  • ​​Anyone with a project or business idea in mind but don’t know how to execute

​​👥 Speakers

  • Gia Linh is the co-founder of Passion Projects Japan, a podcast showcases self-starters in Japan who are turning their dreams into reality, covering entrepreneurship, freelancing, and creative pursuits.
  • Simon Crawford-Ash is an exited founder, fresh in Tokyo with his new startup 「 do. 」 : AI driven coaching for university students and early career professionals.
  • Natsumi Tan and Emi Tanimoto started Waseda Daily, a student-run newspaper, which sprouted from a mutual exchange of ideas and insights they were eager to share with others.

​​🛎 Other information

  • ​​You may leave during the event, but we would love to see you till the end
  • ​ Crea場 will refund if you cancel before February 13th, 23:59 JST

About CREA場
CREABA場 (Cree-a-ba) is a Creative Place for Creative People. We bring creative minds together and nurture your Creative Confidence. Find a job, share your craft, make friends. We hav