

スタッフおすすめ!赤坂見附編 [一軒家京料理]

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スタッフおすすめ!赤坂見附編 [一軒家京料理]

-English follows –
今回、ご紹介させていただきますのはBLINK Kioichoから徒歩ですぐの赤坂見附駅近くにある


ランチではお出汁たっぷりの京風だし巻き卵定食が格安で食べられるお得なお店として有 名ですが、お仕事終わりの会食等でもおすすめです! ☺




BLINK紀尾井町は南北線・有楽町線・半蔵門線 永田町駅直結 銀座線・丸ノ内線 赤坂見附駅徒歩2分です。

I’d like to introduce you to one of our favorite restaurants, called “Yagenbori” ⛩👘.

Yagenbori is famous for Kyoto-styled omelette eggs for lunch in Akasaka area which is
only 8mins away from BLINK Kioicho but I would say it is the perfect place for a business dinner!
They have a kaisei dinner course ¥8,000~ and the ambiance there is very stately and welcoming.
Your business meeting will go well 100%☺
They also have a lot of menus around ¥1,000 for lunch time.

Please give it a go and enjoy Kyoto meals  ⚡💙

BLINK Kioicho

Namboku Line, Yurakucho Line, Hanzomon Line Directly connected to Nagatacho 2 min.
walk from Akasaka-Mitsuke on Namboku Line and Ginza Line.